Tag Archives: ms-dos

Embed MS-DOS games.

We have mention many times the Internet Archive, and how it keeps a database of movies, music, games… specially, MS-DOS games. Well, now it seems it is possible to embed the MS-DOS games into tweets, and yes, into webpages too. So, I use this opportunity to put in one place some of the MS-DOS games I love.

Like Prince of Persia?

I was very bad with the Prince of Persia and never managed to finish it. But I was quite good with the Great Escape, and manage to escape several times (at that point I didn’t knew English at all).

I have to admit that I never played this game to the end until a couple of weeks ago. Gateway is not only a game, but the first novel of the Heechee saga (which I love), written by Frederik Pohl. The game is nice, but quite linear, and at some points it is easy to understand what to do, but in other parts there is no other way around, you need to check a walkthrough.

This one has survived the years and nowadays is still playable in most smartphones…. although, with different names. Enjoy Bust-A-move.

Obviously, any list can’t be complete without Pac-Man.

There are more games, but it will be too much for a single post, so I will finish this small list with a classic. SimCity.

The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is one of the major free-access repositories available in the web. It stores digital material which contents goes from videos and webpages to games, software and texts.

internet archive

Let’s tryout something from the texts. I’ll try to look for 20.000 leagues under the sea (my favorite book). It seems they have it through project Gutenberg. And… here it is.

Now let’s look for a movie of the same novel…. and here it is,

internet archive

a version of 1916.

Let’s move now to games. Here for instance I found Plotting in the Internet Arcade Games. And it can be played on the browser.


I used to play it when I was younger.

They also have a section of MS-DOS games that can be played on the browser, but it it not the most interesting part. The most awesome part is this…. the Console Living Room archive.
