Tag Archives: Ciencia ficción

The walk of life project

The walk of life project is a project to change the final song of movies based in the next hypothesis: “walk of life” by dire straits is the perfect song to end any movie. Do you agree?

3D light stand

The next project is building a stand with a mirror and lights to display figures, models and whatever looks cool on it. It is not aimed to be a tutorial. For a 3D printing tutorial visit my post about 3D printing.

I had a circular mirror, and my idea was to build a base for it which could hold some LEDs inside to add lights to the project. So I started by making a 3D model of the base with Blender.


Next step, using the service provided by 3D Hubs, I printed the base through my favourite printing company 4Delta.

baseThis time I could take some pictures while the base was being fabricated.

Once finished, I check the size and it fitted perfectly with my mirror.


For the lights I choose to use common LEDs (drain about 2V and 10mA) and I’ll be powering them in parallel through the USB (5V). In order to limit the current delivered by the USB, I added a 240 Ohm resistor to each LED. This configuration will power each LED at the correct voltage and provide about 12 mA per LED. By the way taking into account that this USB can provide up to 1A, then I can power 100 LEDs, so there is no problem powering up my 8 LEDs.

The next step is putting everything together. Ideally I will use SUGRU to glue the parts, but for now I will only use Blu-Tack which can be easily removed. I will use SUGRU later own to make it permanent if I’m happy with the design.

With this, the project is finished and ready to display figures.

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Vault-Tec educational videos prior to Fallout 4

With Fallout 4 being released on 11th November, Bethesda has released instructional videos to explain how the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute system works. They where released one at a time, but now that all of them are out, you can see them here.








Tangible media group

The Tangible media group at MIT has implemented a surface capable of doing some extraordinary tricks.

That design backs to 2014… so this is a preview of what this technology is able to do now.

Amazing… it reminds me of chambers in Portal.

Monomyth or the hero’s journey

Just in case you didn’t notice, every adventure tale with a hero follows 12 stages known as the hero’s journey.

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.

Or… just in case… here is the explanation with pop culture references.

Force Saber Throw Trick

With all the exicetement for the new Star Wars movies, everybody is cracy for the Jedi universe. That’s why this week the next video is taking the web by assault. He is FloWarrior (Performance Artist), and it was recorded at the Edmonton Expo.


The force is strong with this one.