Tag Archives: batman

The walk of life project

The walk of life project is a project to change the final song of movies based in the next hypothesis: “walk of life” by dire straits is the perfect song to end any movie. Do you agree?

Cosplaying 001

A couple of weeks ago I finished my Finn and Fionna swords (sorry, there was no update, only a small reference in Twitter).

Since that, I have been working in a gauntlet.

I started with an old winter glove, some foam, glue and scissors.


First the finger tips. Just square patches, some glue on the glove, some glue on the patches, wait 5 minutes and stick together.

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It doesn’t matter if it looks bad at this point. It has to look like bended metal.

Keep gluing more pieces, taking care not to glue something over a joint or you will not be able to close your hand.

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After a while it look like this.

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Cool isn’t it?

Now a little bit of painting. A good painting will make the difference between crap and awesome.

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I used red/black/white and then some sand paper to age it and turn grey the end white layer.


It looks amazing with Scarlet.


Hope you like it, and if you try one yourselves, let me know!


Top 10 memes

At the moment I’m reading the part of the “Selfish gene” where Richard Dawkins speaks about memes as the new replicators, so this is quite convenient. Say hello to Top10Memes


I really enjoy the Portal one

but what really surprised me is the one about Futurama (I love the series).

Something to improve your background on comics…

I don’t put too much about The Simpsons in this blog, but they had an incredible impact in our world, so they deserve to be here.

Hey! it will not be complete without Zelda

and of course Dragon Ball








But always, and over everything…. Lego