Category Archives: Space

Chief O’Brien at work


Original title: Chief O’Brien at work.

Title of this edition: Chief O’Brien at work.

Author: Jon Adams.

Gender: Fantasy, Sci-fi.

Saga: Star-Trek.

Editorial: City Cyclops.

Edition year: 1, 2015.

Prizes: —

Synopsis [Warning: Spoiler]: Chief O’Brien is a character of the TV series Star Trek the next generation, he is in charge of transporter, however, through the series it becomes clear that he is completely irrelevant as crew members can order directly to the Enterprise’s  computer to be transported from anywhere in the spaceship to anywhere in the planet or nearby spaceships. The only times he appears in the show are when “something horrible happens to Chief O’Brien”, the rest of the time, he is waiting in the transporter room for someone to be transported (and that is a huge amount of time waiting if you think about it).

Personal Review: This book started as a web comic (we spoke about it back in 2014 TNG: Chief O’Brien). Then it turned into a Kickstarter project (we proposed it as project of the week back in 2015 and pay for a copy). Now it is 2016 and the book is now real.

I have to say that this book is for Star Trek fans and to nobody else, and even between Star Trek fans, you have to have watched the Next Generation, other way the jokes will be completely nonsense to you. For instance, if you haven’t watched the Next Generation, you will not know who Riker is, and what is funny about him (he is like the official Casanova of the Star Trek).

Something I really like is when it breaks the 4th wall and demonstrates how it was broken in the TV series. “Chief O’Brien, transport me back to the ship from the planet” “planet? what planet? Do you people realise that I work in a room without any windows and nobody ever tells me where we are?”. It is great, because in the TV series it doesn’t seem to be an odd request… but only because the viewer knows everything, that’s why when crew members request transportation, it is natural to us to assume that everybody shares the same amount of information that we have. Brilliant.

On the other side, something I don’t like about the book is that the format limits the jokes. Sometimes repeating the same frame over and over makes a joke, but if you do it all the time, then it is there only to fill space (and you have to do it in order to fill the space in the selected format of the book).

Just to finish with something good, be aware that the book has hidden messages, can you find all of them? [Spoiler to one of the messages]: Put the book under sunlight and then in complete dark.

Storyline in 3 Minutes!

Enjoy these 3 minutes story lines by ArcadeCloud.






Legend of Zelda

Lara Croft (A.K.A. Tomb Raider).




Super Mario

Star Wars I-III

Star Wars IV-VI

epow (Experiment project of the Week)

To be honest, I’m a little bit sceptic about this one, but if it happens to be the way… will you miss the opportunity to fund the search of the theory of everything? For those not related with science, in physics there is two big theories, quantum mechanics and general relativity, one for the very small things and the other for the really big or really fast things. The reason why there is two is because when we try to mix them they don’t like each other and there is no way to agree in the predictions. The theory of everything is the name given to the theory that will explain both theories and make them compatible, it will be a single theory for everything, from too small to very big things. For years physicists have been looking for this theory, and they come up with string theory. However, there is many ways to create a string theory, and all of them are mathematically consistent, the problem is that only one describes our universe (that is called the M-theory, the one that unifies all string theories into only one that describes our universe).  For many years we though string theory was the candidate to become the theory of everything, but we progress slower and slower and it seems that it is still very far away to find the correct string theory.

What these two researchers propose here is an alternative to the theory of everything not based on string theory. The details are not clear to me, but if research in string theory seems to be slow and there is a chance of finding a different solution, then why not? And they only ask for money to cover the salary of one of them! For those of you thinking that there is more immediate problems, think that the web born at CERN while people where building particle accelerators to discover new particles and test physics.
